Saturday, August 02, 2008

The Awrah of the Free Women and the Awrah of the Slave

Shaykh 'Alee Ridhaa was asked:

"Is there any difference between the awrah of free women and the awrah of the slave women? And what is the limit of the Awrah of the women to other women? And what is the limit of her awrah to her mahram (like her father and her brother)?"


"There is no difference between the awrah of the free women and the awrah of the slave; according to the correct opinion which some of the authenticators have chosen, like Shaykhul Islaam ibn Taymiyyah and others. And it is that her whole body is awrah except the face and the hands.

And the Awrah of the women to other women or in front of her mahram: all of her body is awrah; except what is apparent from her and that is like her hair, her neck, her shins, her hands.

And she is not to reveal her breasts or her thighs... leave alone the awrah that is more extreme."

[Adapted from:'Awrah.pdf]

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