![]() | Reference: Audio Tape: Rabee’ Al Awal 17, 1426/April 26, 2005 |
![]() | Category: Methodology |
All praise is due to Allaah, and may the prayers and blessings of Allaah be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and his companions.
To proceed:
It has reached me that a website - Salafi Talk - has circulated some words of mine in which I warned against Jam’eeyat Ahlul Hadeeth in Britain, and that I described them as being from Ahlul Bid’ah (people of innovations), Hizbees (people of partisanship) and that it is not permissible to cooperate with them, go to them or attend the classes of knowledge or lectures by some of the [Salafee] Mashaayikh that may be given in their Masjid. These words were taken from [my class] in the explanation of ‘Al Qawaa’id Al Arba’’. A question was asked in relation to the term ‘clear and unclear salafees’, and in response to this question I explained that it is not permissible to use this terminology, and then I spoke about Jam’eeyat Ahlul Hadeeth in Britain.
A number of issues were intended by my speech:
The first issue: We had some observations/points against Jam’eeyat Ahlul Hadeeth and the errors that they have fallen into in issues that relate to Manhaj. We still hope that they amend these issues and that they stay away from what opposes the correct Manhaj in the Da’wah (call) to Allaah, Tabaarakah wa Ta’aalah, and that they adhere to the sunnah.
Secondly: When I spoke, I didn’t intend that they were Mubtadi’ah (people of innovations) or to describe them with Bid’ah, and that whoever comes to them (i.e. attends their Masjid) is a Mubtadi’ (innovator). I didn’t want this at all, and whoever narrated this about me is mistaken. It is only that there were some points and observations made against them.
What is strange is that the owners of this site (Salafi Talk), may Allaah guide them, left a lot of questions in which I was asked about attending some of the lectures by the Salafee Mashaayikh that are given in [the Masjid] of Jam’eeyat Ahlul Hadeeth, in which I responded that these lectures should be attended and that one should be keen upon attending them. They left these words of mine and took the other words. And [now] I have made clear what I intended; that there are some observations and points against them (Jam’eeyat Ahlul Hadeeth) and all praise is due to Allaah, there has been some contact between us and them (Jam’eeyat Ahlul Hadeeth) and it seems that they (Jam’eeyat Ahlul Hadeeth) are accepting [our advice] and to Allaah belongs all Praise and gratitude.
I [would like to] bring attention to the point that I have advised the owners of this site – Salafi Talk – may Allaah guide them, that they stay away from spreading ‘Qeel wa Qaal’ (it was said and he said) on this site of theirs, and that they remove a lot of the statements and opinions that contain a lot of Ta’addee (excessiveness) and ignorance. In these statements as well, is a lot of injustice, making incorrect judgments/rulings as well as hastily spreading narrations. I have advised them about this, and they promised that they would remove a lot of these issues from their website.
What is even stranger is that they are selective. They select from the sayings of the Mashaayikh and the students of knowledge that which is in agreement to their way and their Manhaj. If they find a saying of a Shaykh that is in agreement with their desires they run with it, put it on their site as well as advertise and propagate it, just as they have done with my speech on Jam’eeyat Ahlul Hadeeth. In contrast to my words/lectures in warning against Ghuloo (extremism) and in advising them in regards to the Manhaj mistakes that they have and the likes [of this speech], and that they proclaim their Tawbah, free themselves from it, seek pardon from those who have fallen into error likewise, and that they make Bayaan (clarifiy) this. They did not pay any attention at all to these words of mine, neither were they pleased with it. Rather they went creating disorder and spreading things that are strange and absurd.
And based upon this, I do not permit them to put the likes of this kind of speech of mine on their site. I do not permit them to narrate anything from me until they get back to me and consult me about it. If they do so, I will look into it and give them permission to spread that certain talk/narration. But that they take from some of my lectures or classes that which is in agreement to their objectives/aims, in which I do not have any intention whatsoever [to be in agreement] with, then indeed I do not permit them to do this, never. And I consider this to be from Talaa’ub (playing about) .
For this reason, I ask Allaah, ‘Azza wa Jal, to grant us success in adhering to the Sunnah and following its path, and to aid us with our own souls and in rectifying them, to be steadfast upon the truth, to be merciful to the believers, and to treat people in a way that is best.
[I say] this, and Allaah is the Granter of success, and may the prayers and blessings of Allaah be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and his companions.
![]() | Translator: Nadir Ahmad, Abu Abdul-Waahid |
![]() | Date Published: Tuesday, 26 April 2005 |
![]() | This article has been read 15,736 times |
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![]() | This article has been published with the permission of the translator, who affirms the accuracy of his translation of this article as well as the authenticity of the original Arabic source. Should you have any comment(s) and/or correction(s) to suggest, please write to us at: ...and your email will be passed on to him, inshaa.-Allaah. |
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