Saturday, November 15, 2008

Kuch Kuch HOTA Hai!

Don't ask me what the title means.. I truly don't know.. I just thought it would make a catchy title, hehe..

Wanna talk about HOTA.. hmm.. So HOTA is now automatic for all Muslims in Singapore.. if we disagree, we should opt out.. right? Hmm..

Yes, Muis did publish pamphletes about the permissibility of organ donation.. BUT... It doesn't fully truly address our situation..

As far as I know, donation of an organ (usually the issue involves kidney) becomes permissible out of necessity.. thus, the "supply" (organs donated) should only meet the "demand"...

But when everyone becomes automatic donors (upon their death), wouldn't the "supply" exceed the "demand"? Thus, wouldn't it result in a different ruling?

In the midst of the "debate" on the ruling of organ tansplant/donation some time back, a friend shared with me that the mashayikh in Saudi view that it should be a case to case basis.. that is, if there's a need to an organ donation/transplant, bring this up to the mashayikh and they'll advise on what should be done..

It's just disappointing we don't see it happening in S'pore.. I don't mean to insult or belittle anyone.. but the credibility of the Office of Mufti is just questionable to me.. the way they answer questions online are just "amazing"..

Just one example.. they insist that keeping of beard is only Sunnah (optional) according to the Shafi'i madhhab, despite the fact that I mention to them that Imam al-Shafi'i stated clearly in al-'Umm that it is haram to shave the beard..

Wa billaahi at-Tawfeeq wa al-Hidaayah,
Wallaahu a'lam

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