Monday, August 07, 2006

Do not cooperate with or support Hezbollah!

I was browsing through SalafiTalk.Net, under the topic "The Scholars on Cooperating with Jam'iyyah Ihyaa' at-Turaath" when a statement by a fellow Salafi brother, Aboo Sufyaan 'Uthmaan Beecher from Kuwait, caught my attention:
Once again we see the heads of this jam'iyyah bid'iyyah involved in protests (the hukm of which we mentioned in the post before this one) and cooperation with those who curse the Companions of Allaah's Messenger (صلى الله عليه و سلم), the Raafidah Shee'ah [i.e. Hezbollah]!! Did he ever stop to think that it is Hezbollah who are the cause of the killing we are seeing everyday in Lebanon, and here he is, speaking at a rally against violence in Lebanon with who?????? HEZBOLLAH!!
It caught my attention because it made me realise that I've not made any entry pertaining to the Lebanon crisis or Hezbollah in my blog when it is indeed important and necessary.
A friend happened to joke with me, saying, "Would like to follow me? Let's go to Hezbollah (i.e. Lebanon)... Jihaad!!"
Here's my reply:
"Wallahi I won't cooperate with or support Hezbollah."
He asked, "Why?"
I said, "Firstly, they are Shi'ites. Secondly, they kill innocent lives."
Let's look back on the statement by our fellow brother Aboo Sufyaan and think again. Many Muslims worldwide have been emotional instead of rational all this while. We are quick to condemn Israel as though they are totally to be blamed for the conflict in Palestine and the current conflict in Lebanon, as though we are faultless.
Yes, the attacks of Israel on Lebanon such as the Qana massacre are barbaric and totally unacceptable.
But who started the conflict? It was Hezbollah. Did they not think that their capture of two Isreali soldiers would result in a counter-strike, of which Lebanese innocent civilians will be the victims?
Did they not ponder the advice of Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen rahimahullaah towards our brothers in Palestine with regards to suicide bombings?
(i.e. with regards to suicide bombing being absolutely haram and that it does not bring the slightest benefit to Palestinians.. as can be seen from the reality of it, when 6 or 7 Isrealis died from a suicide bombing, the Israeli army would counter-attack and kill 60 or 70 innocent Palestinians.. where's the benefit? This is the known attitude of the Israeli army, so why do we continue to allow them to continue with this barbaric attitude, which ends up killing our innocent brothers and sisters in Lebanon?)
Oh I forgot.. Hezbollah is Shi'ite.. They won't take the advice of a "Wahhabi"..
And the brother Aboo Sufyaan ended by mentioning that many of the 'Ulamaa', past and present (like Shaykh 'Ubayd has mentioned) make takfeer of the Raafidah Shee'ah.
Hence, do not cooperate with or support Hezbollah!
Wallaahu a'lam wa al-Musta'aan.

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