Friday, June 27, 2008
Discussion: Wearing track pants can cause heat injury?
If that's the case, why do army trainees wear Long 4 for route march? It has much higher risk of heat injury, right?
Is the person who told me about the "danger" of wearing track pants forgetting the fact that the key to avoiding heat injury is proper hydration? And isn't that why they have water points along the route for the long-distance run?
Haiz.. as for now, i'm compelled to wear shorts for morning runs.. already we are wearing singlets.. i feel naked..
Wallaahu al-Musta'an.
Ruling on wearing trousers and a suit and tie
What is the ruling on wearing suit and tie and other clothes usually used by the unbelievers? Is it acceptable because it became of Muslims’ habits and that an average Muslim will not think that they are worn to resemble the unbelievers? What should a Muslim wear nowadays?.
The basic principle with regard to clothes is that they are permissible, except those which Islam has definitely excluded, such as gold and silk for men, except in the case of scabies and the like. Wearing trousers is not something that is unique to the kuffaar, but wearing tight trousers which show the shape of the body, even the ‘awrah, is not permissible. Loose pants are permissible, unless the wearer intends to resemble those of the kuffaar who wear them. The same applies to wearing a suit and tie. These are not garments that are unique to the kuffaar, so they are permissible, unless the wearer intends to imitate them.
To sum up, the basic principle with regard to clothes is that they are permissible, unless there is shar’i evidence to show that they are not allowed, as stated above.
And Allaah is the Source of strength. May Allaah send blessings and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions. End quote.
Standing Committee for Academic Research and Issuing Fatwas
Shaykh ‘Abd al-Azeez ibn ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Baaz, Shaykh ‘Abd al-Razzaaq al-‘Afeefi, Shaykh ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Ghadyaan, Shaykh ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Qa’ood.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
The Ruling of the Dome Built upon the Grave of the Messenger of Allaah - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam
Shaykh Muqbil ibn Haadee al-Waadi'ee
![]() | Reference: The Ruling of the Dome Built upon the Grave of the Messenger of Allaah - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam - Research Paper prepared by Abu `Abdur-Rahmaan Muqbil ibn Haadee al-Waadi`ee (Faculty of Sharee`ah, Islaamic University of Madeenah) |
![]() | Category: General |
When was the grave of the Messenger - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam - first entered into his masjid?
Hafidh ibn katheer -may Allaah have mercy on him - said in his book `al-Bidayyah` (9/74) regarding incidents in the year 88 A.H.
"Ibn Jareer mentioned that in the month of Rabi al-Awwal from that year, al-Waleed wrote to Umar bin Abdul Azeez, commanding him to demolish the Prophet`s masjid, and to rebuild it incorporating the Messenger of Allaah`s house into it, and extending it from the direction of the Qibla and all its other sides until they reach two hundred cubits.
Whoever sells his property to you, then buy it from him, otherwise give him a good price for it. After that, demolish it and pay them for their houses, since you have truthful Salaf who did this: Umar and Uthman -radiAllaah anhuma.
Umar bin AbdulAzeez gathered the people, the ten scholars and the people of Madina. He read the letter of the Ameer -ul-Mumineen, and the matter was difficult for them.
They said: the rooms of the Prophet - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam – have low ceilings, the ceilings were made with date palm leaves, the walls are made of un-burnt bricks (like clay), the doors are covered with sack cloth. Leaving it as it is, is better so that the hujaaj and the visitors and travelers to the houses of the Prophet - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam – can benefit from them and learn a lesson from them. This will be more effective for Zuhud in this world.
They never used to build except for their needs, and that which would shelter them and cover them. They knew that tall buildings were what the Pharaohs and Caesars used to build. Those who hoped to live long, those who desired the Duniya for staying in it.
Consequently, Umar bin AbdulAzeez wrote to al-Waleed with what the ten scholars, who were previously mentioned, had agreed upon.
Al-Waleed sent him a message ordering him to demolish it and to rebuild the masjid as he had mentioned and to raise the ceiling high.
Umar could not find it in himself to start demolishing it. When the project of demolishing it began the Ashraaf screamed out, and the people from Banu Hashim and others, opposed this, and they cried like on the day the Prophet - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam – passed away.
Those who had property close to the masjid for sale responded to him, and he bought it from them. The project for building the masjid began, and he worked extremely hard in doing so. Al-Waleed also sent many laborers to him.
The Prophet`s room which was the room of Ayesha -radiAllaah anha - was entered into the Masjid, so the grave was entered in to the masjid.
Its span from the east side was like al-Waleed had ordered, like the rest of the rooms of the mothers of the believers.
It was narrated to us that when they dug up the eastern wall from Ayesha`s room, a foot became uncovered; they feared that it could be the Prophet`s foot, but they came to know that it was Umar bin al-Khattab`s -radiAllaah anhu -foot.
It was told that Sa`eed bin al-Musayyib rejected that Ayesha`s room was entered into the masjid; it`s as if he feared that his grave would be taken as a masjid and Allah knows best."
Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymeeyah -may Allaah have mercy on him - in his book `al-Jawaab al-Baahir`(p.71):
The Messenger - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam – was buried in Ayesha`s -radiAllaah anha - room. Her room and the rooms of the rest of his wives were in the easterly direction of the masjid.
The place were the Messenger used to pray in his room was not his masjid, rather he would leave his room to go into the masjid, but in the Khalafa of al-Waleed the masjid was extended. He loved building masajid. He served the masjid al-Haram, the masjid in Damascus and other masajid.
He ordered his deputy Umar bin AbdulAzeez to buy the rooms from those who inherited them, from the wives of the Prophet - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam – and extended them on to the masjid.
So, since that time the rooms were entered into the masjid, and after the death of the companions, after the death of Ibn Umar, Ibn Abbas, Abu Sa`eed al-Khudree, after the death of Ayesha, in fact after the death of the general Companions -radiAllaah anhum. None of them remained in Madina. It has been narrated that Sa`eed ibn Musayib disliked it, and many of the Companions and Tabieen disliked it with what `Uthmaan bin `Affan - radiAllaah anhu - built the masjid with rocks, mahogany and teak.
When al-Waleed did what he did the people disliked it. As for Umar bin al-Khattab - radiAllaah anhu - then he extended the masjid, however he built it using dry bricks as it was built before. Its pillars were trunks of the date tree, and its ceiling was made from the leaves of the date tree. It has not been reported that anyone disliked what Umar did, whereas the disagreement fell upon what `Uthmaan - radiAllaah anhu - did."
Ibn Taymeeyah later continues by saying: "al-Waleed ibn Abdul Malik took over the rule after the death of his father Abdul Malik in the year eighty something after Hijra, and that these Companions had all died by then.
The Companions had generally all died, in different countries, except a small number of them like: Anas bin Maalik in Basra, who died during the Khalafah of al-Waleed in the year ninety something. Jaabir bin Abdullaah died in the year 78 in Madina, and he was the last Companion to die in Madina. Al-Waleed entered the room of the Prophet into the masjid a long time after that, nearly ten years later, and he had built the masjid after the death of Jaabir, therefore there was no-one in Madina from amongst the Companions."
Shaykh ul-Islaam also mentions something similar to this in his book: `ar-Radd `ala al-Iknaaiee` (p.118), and in `Iqtidaa Siraat-ul-Mustaqeem` (p.367). The historians have mentioned something similar to this as is mentioned in the book `Umdat-ul-ahkbaar`(p.108) and in `Tahqeeq an-Nasraatu bi Talkhees Mu`aalim dar al-Hijra` by al-Muragee (p.49), also in `Wafa al-Wafa` by as-Samoodee in one volume (p.513).
So, what becomes clear to us is that al-Waleed -may Allaah have mercy on him - made a mistake in entering the rooms into the Prophet`s Masjid, and he fell into exactly what the Prophet - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam – had prohibited from, using graves as masajid and praying in them.
Those who pray in the place where the ahl-ul-Suffa were, face the grave as is evident to see. Likewise the women face the grave in their prayer.
What is obligatory upon the Muslims is to return the room of the Prophet towards the easterly direction of the masjid like it was at the time of the Prophet - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam. The best guidance is the guidance of Muhammad- sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam.
* leave every saying for the saying of Muhammad*
*Since the one who is secure in his religion is not like the one who takes chances*
![]() | Translator: Farhat Abbaas, Abu Yahya |
![]() | Date Published: Thursday, 29 May 2008 |
![]() | This article has been read 912 times |
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![]() | This article has been published with the permission of the translator, who affirms the accuracy of his translation of this article as well as the authenticity of the original Arabic source. Should you have any comment(s) and/or correction(s) to suggest, please write to us at: ...and your email will be passed on to him, inshaa.-Allaah. |
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Menjawab salam orang bukan Islam
Apakah boleh menjawab salam yang diucapkan oleh selain orang Islam dengan "Wa 'alaikum as-Salam"?
Pendapat Syaikh al-Albani:
Saya jawab: "Boleh, dengan syarat salamnya harus fasih dan jelas, tidak salah pengucapannya, sebagaimana yang dilakukan oleh kaum Yahudi kepada Nabi shallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallamdan para sahabatnya. Mereka mengucapkan: 'as-Saamu 'alaikum' (semoga kebinasaan atas kalian). Maka Nabi shallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam menjawab mereka dengan ucapan: 'Wa 'alaikum' (dan juga kepada kalian) saja. Sesuatu yang tidak diragukan lagi, bahwa bila salah satu di antara mereka mengucapkan salam denan ucapan yang jelas: 'as-Salamu 'alaikum' dan kita membalasnya cukup dengan: 'Wa 'alaik', maka hal tersebut tidak ada keadilan dan kebaikan. Sebab dalam hal sikap seperti ini, kita menyamakan antara dia dan orang yang mengucapkan 'as-Saamu 'alaikum' . Ini merupakan kezhaliman yang nyata. Wallahu a'lam.
ash-Shahihah (II/320-322)
[Ditukil dan diadaptasi dari kitab "Ensiklopedia Fatwa Syaikh Albani" susunan Mahmud bin Ahmad Rasyid, terjemahan Rudi Hartono, Lc., terbitan Pustaka as-Sunnah, Jakarta. Judul asli: Taujihu as-Saari likhtiyaraat al-Fiqhiyyah li as-Syaikh al-Albani. Adaptasi hanya dilakukan dari segi bentuk perenggan dan format yang tidak membawa kepada perubahan makna.]
Memberi ucapan kepada selain orang Islam dengan ucapan seperti "Apa Khabar?"
Apakah boleh mengucapkan salam kepada selain orang Islam dengan selain ucapan "as-Salamu 'alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh" seperti: "bagaimana kabarmu pagi ini, bagaimana kabarmu sore ini, atau apa kabar?
Pendapat Syaikh al-Albani:
Yang nampak bagi saya - wallahu a'lam - hal tersebut adalah boleh. Sebab larangan yang tercantum dalam hadits adalah mengucapkan salam. Hal ini dikuatkan oleh ucapan 'Alqomah:
"Sesungguhnya ucapan salamnya Abdullah (yaitu Ibnu Mas'ud) kepada para pedagang adalah dengan isyarat." [HR Bukhari (1104)] yang dijadikan judul bab.
Adapun Ibnu Mas'ud membolehkan memulai salam kepada mereka dengan isyarat, karena itu bukanlah salam yang khusus diucapkan kepada kaum muslimin. Demikian juga memulai salam dengan ucapan salam selain salam yang khusus diucapkan kepada kaum muslimin.
ash-Shahihah (II/321)
[Ditukil dan diadaptasi dari kitab "Ensiklopedia Fatwa Syaikh Albani" susunan Mahmud bin Ahmad Rasyid, terjemahan Rudi Hartono, Lc., terbitan Pustaka as-Sunnah, Jakarta. Judul asli: Taujihu as-Saari likhtiyaraat al-Fiqhiyyah li as-Syaikh al-Albani. Adaptasi hanya dilakukan dari segi bentuk perenggan dan format yang tidak membawa kepada perubahan makna.]
If he wiped over his khufoof again then took them off, he can put them on again and wipe over them
Taking off the khufoof does not invalidate wudoo’ according to the more correct view, so the one who takes off his khufoof may pray with his previous wudoo’.
See the answer to question no. 100112.
One of the conditions of wiping over the khufoof or socks is that they should have been put on when in a state of purity. This has been explained in the answer to question no. 9640.
The one who renews his wudoo’ and wipes over his socks, then takes them off, then puts them on again before breaking his wudoo’, can be said to have put them on in a state of purity, so he may wipe over them.
Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: We said that if he takes off the khufoof he does not break his wudoo’, and this was also said by others. But none of those who said that wudoo’ is not broken said that it is permissible to put them back and wipe over them. We tried hard but we did not find anyone who was of this opinion, otherwise it would be a sound view.
Questioner: Even if he is wiping over them to renew his wudoo?
Shaykh: No. If the wiping is to renew wudoo’, what that means is that the first wudoo’ was not invalidated, so it is permissible to wipe over them after taking them off. Similarly if we assume that he did not wipe over them then he took them off when still in a state of purity, before wiping over them, then he put them on again, there is nothing wrong with that. End quote from Sharh al-Kaafi.
And Allaah knows best.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
The Beard: A Crime? Or merely strange and uncommon?
Especially when MSK just escaped.. i get the stares as though i am him.. i get teens calling out "Mas Selamat!"
When the police raided Bukit Batok Nature Park, i happen to be cycling and jogging there earlier that evening.. Hmm.. Don't tell me someone mistook me for MSK?
But people.. teens especially.. no joke, security is not something that can be taken for granted.. you can't shout out "MSK!" for fun.. security is no joke.. look at what happened to those officers held responsible for his escape..
Well.. things have toned down.. don't really get much of the stares anymore.. hopefully, people realise that having a beard doesn't equate to being a terrorist..
Still adjusting to fact that people expect you to be clean-shaven if you're in the Army..
I shall just comfort myself with the hadith, "Islam came as something strange and will leave as something strange, therefore blessings be to the Strangers (Ghurabaa')."
As well as the hadith that mentions that near the end of time, one who adheres to the Sunnah is like holding onto a burning coal..
Wallaahu al-Musta'aan.
Having a Beard = "Osama"/ "Baa baa"
Or people with beard/goatee like mine would be teased with "Baa baa" (reference to goat)..
Sometimes i feel offended.. at times.. i pity these people.. can't they tell the difference between a human goatee and that of a goat?? Pity their parents who took great effort in giving them good education.. But what if even the parents make the same mistake? Hmm...
Ignorance, ignorance.. what more can i say? People refuse to read.. refuse to learn more.. always relying on statements of others without verifying its truth..
This is the same, whether in worldly or religious matters..
Time for reflection..
[PS.. i suppose some readers might finally go, "Aha.. finally something more personal from Farhan.."]