Sunday, January 28, 2007
Selamat Berjuang Wahai Sahabatku, Penuntut Ilmu
Kau telahpun pergi meninggalkanku
Berjihad menuntut ilmu
Mendalami ilmu agama
Memantapkan manhaj Salafiyyah
Demi menegakkan da'wah Islamiyyah
Yang sebenar..
Kini daku bagai keseorangan
Bagai kehilangan seorang teman
Teman bagaikan saudara kandung
Saling berbicara membincangkan ilmu
Mengongsi hal dan masalah peribadi
Dalam mengharungi kehidupan duniawi..
Walau kini daku keseorangan
Rasa kesepian
Amanahmu akan aku laksanakan
Nasihatmu kan ku jadikan pegangan
Dalam mengharungi pelbagai dugaan
Sebagai Salafi dalam pengasingan
Kerana kamilah Ghurabaa'
Bak sabda Nabi junjungan..
Malaikat mengembangkan sayap
Menaungi penuntut ilmu
Mendoakan kerahmatan Allah Yang Satu
Moga kau terus gigih menuntut ilmu
Demi kebenaran
Mencari keredhaan
Yang Maha Esa
Maha Pengasih, Maha Penyayang
Doa dan ingatanku
Kepadamu selalu..
Selamat berjuang wahai sahabatku...
Terus berjihad wahai penuntut ilmu..
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Why Salafism and Terrorism Mostly Don't Mix
- are religious, not political activists;
- eschew political or organisational allegiances because they divide the Muslim community and divert attention from study of the faith and propagation of salafi principles;
- reject oath-taking to a leader -- central to the organisational structure of groups like JI;
- believe it is not permissible to revolt against a Muslim government, no matter how oppressive or unjust, and are opposed to JI and the Darul Islam movement because in their view they actively promote rebellion against the Indonesian state; and
- tend to see the concept of jihad in defensive terms -- aiding Muslims under attack, rather than waging war against symbolic targets that may include innocent civilians.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Renungan Muharram (bahagian 1)
- Islam (ada ulama mengatakan taqwa)
- Ikhlas (kerana Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala semata-mata)
- Ittiba' (yakni, ittiba' us-Sunnah yang bererti mencontohi Sunnah Nabi sallAllahu 'alayhi wa sallam)
Poin 1 dan 2, insha-Allah ramai di kalangan kita telah pun penuhi. Namun, poin 3... berapa ramai daripada kita yang telah memenuhinya?
Berapa ramai di kalangan kita yang senantiasa muhasabah dirinya dalam mencontohi sunnah Nabi sallAllahu 'alayhi wa sallam?
Misalnya, dalam soal ibadah seperti solat.. berapa ramai di kalangan kita yang muhasabah diri sama ada solat kita telah menepati Sunnah Nabi sallAllahu 'alayhi wa sallam?
Bukankah Nabi sallAllahu 'alayhi wa sallam telah bersabda:
"Solatlah kamu sebagaimana kamu melihat aku solat."? [2]
Lalu kita menyambut kedatangan bulan Muharram [3] dengan membaca doa akhir tahun sebelum Maghrib dan doa awal tahun selepas solat Maghrib sedangkan tiada contoh dari Nabi Muhammad sallAllahu 'alayhi wa sallam mahupun para sahabatnya ridhwanullahi 'alayhim.
Bukankah dalam ilmu Usul Fiqh ditetapkan bahawa prinsip asas berkaitan ibadah ialah asal segala sesuatu adalah haram melainkan ada dalil (sahih) yang menghalalkan?
Dalam Khutbatul-Hajah, Nabi sallAllahu 'alayhi wa sallam bersabda:
"Seburuk-buruk perkara adalah perkara yang diada-adakan (dalam agama). Setiap perkara yang diada-adakan (dalam agama) adalah bid'ah, setiap bid'ah adalah dhalalah (menyesatkan), dan setiap dhalalah adalah di dalam neraka." [4]
Ibnu Umar radhiyAllahu 'anhuma pula berkata:
"Setiap bid'ah (dalam agama) adalah dhalalah (menyesatkan), sekalipun orang ramai menganggapnya baik." [5]
Bahkan, bulan Muharram hanya ditetapkan sebagai permulaan tahun pada masa pemerintahan Saiyidina Umar radhiyAllahu 'anhu apabila beliau mengasaskan takwim Islam! Dan tiadalah beliau mahupun para Sahabat yang lain pada masanya mengadakan amalan atau doa khusus pada awal Muharram. [6]
Lalu dalam doa awal tahun tersebut, kita berdoa memohon keredhaan dan rahmat Allah serta barakah daripadaNya, subhanAllah!
Bagaimana nak dapat keredhaan, rahmat dan barakah daripada Allah kalau apa yang kita lakukan/amalkan (yang kita anggap sebagai sebahagian daripada agama) tidak diperintahkan oleh Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala dan tidak pula dianjurkan oleh Nabi sallAllahu 'alayhi wa sallam?
Sedangkan Imam Malik rahimahullah mengatakan bahawa barangsiapa yang mengamalkan bid'ah yang ia anggap baik, samalah seperti dia mengatakan bahawa Nabi sallAllahu 'alayhi wa sallam telah mengkhianati risalah! Wa iyadzu billah..
Maka ana menyeru diri ana sendiri dan pembaca sekalian.. ayuhlah kita muhasabah diri kita dalam rangka menilai kedudukan kita sebagai umat Muhammad sallAllahu 'alayhi wa sallam.. apakah nilaian cinta kita kepada Baginda sallAllahu 'alayhi wa sallam? Apakah amal ibadah kita atas dasar ittiba' us-Sunnah ataupun taqlid buta semata? Apakah kita pendukung Sunnah dan penentang bid'ah ataupun kita pendukung bid'ah yang mematikan Sunnah?
Wallahu al-Musta'an.
Nota kaki:
[1] Ana tak dapat pastikan kesahihan hadith ini. Jika tidak sahih, maka tinggalkanlah.
[2] HR. Bukhari, Muslim dan Ahmad.
[3] Yakni, yang ramai orang sebutkan sebagai sambutan Awal Muharram ataupun Zikral Hijrah.
[4] HR Muslim.
[5] HR Abu Syamah, sanadnya hasan. Abu Syamah seorang ulama hadith bermazhab Syafi'i.
[6] Hal ini sebagaimana yang diterangkan oleh Ustaz Hamzah Jumaat di dalam kuliah Maghribnya di Masjid Alkhair pada 1 Muharram 1428H dalam menjawab soalan yang dikemukakan tentang penetapan awal Muharram.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Bin Laden VS Shaykh Muhammad bin 'Abd al-Wahhab (Wahhabi Islam)
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Kata-kata hikmah tentang cinta & wanita, buat renungan...
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Used to continuously pray 2 rak'ahs until the imaam ascended the pulpit...
May Allaah beautify you with that which he has beautified the man...
Thursday, January 11, 2007
"Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen! Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen! Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen!..."
"A member of the Da’wah and Guidance Centre in Jeddah narrates that during the hajj of 1416A.H, he was in the company of the Shaykh at King ‘Abdul-‘Azeez Airport in Jeddah surrounded by the pilgrims who were arriving for hajj.
Prolongation in the adhaan
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Concerning the Hadeeths ''Whoever Listens to a Female Singer'' And ''Music Makes Hypocrisy Grow''
As for hearing, it could be on purpose, the same as listening carefully and concentrating, in which case it is also called listening, and the same judgements apply. On the other hand, hearing could occur without it happening on purpose, without concentrating on the voice, then it is not called listening and the judgements related to listening do not apply.
The singing that the questioner mentioned is part of Lahwul-Hadeeth. It tempts heart, and it leads it to evil, taking it away from good, and causing people to waste their time. So because of this it falls under the general meaning of Lahwul-Hadeeth, it is the same for one singing and the one who listens to singing, all of them fall under the general category of purchasing Lahwul-Hadeeth and misleading others from the path of Allaah. So there is prohibition and a warning of a sever punishment for doing so.
Just as the prohibition of singing and listening to it is proven in the Qur'aan, so too has the Sunnah. The Prophet (sallAllaahu `alayhi wa sallam) said,
ليكونن من أمتي أقوام يستحلون الحر والحرير والخمر والمعازف ولينزلن أقوام إلى جنب علم يروح عليه بسارحة لهم يأتيهم يعني الفقير لحاجة فيقولوا ارجع إلينا غدا فيبيتهم الله ويضع العلم ويمسخ آخرين قردة وخنازير إلى يوم القيامة
Music is the use of instruments of Lahw, and part of this is singing and listening to it. So Allaah's Messenger (sallAllaahu `alayhi wa sallam) condemned those who seek to legalize fornication, the use of silk for men, drinking alcohol, and such entertainment instruments and listening to them. Here he accompanied music with other major sins. In the end of the Hadeeth he threatened those who do that with a punishment.
This shows that listening to music is unlawful. But a person is not sinning when he accidentally listens to music, such as a person who is walking in the street and hears music being played in stores, or in a car, as long as he does not desire to listen to it. Such a person is not sinning because he has no choice; however, he must advise and warn those who are playing the music, he must do so with wisdom and good exhortation. And should avoid as much as possible going to places where music is played, and Allaah does not place a burden on a soul greater than it can bear.
A group of scholars use authentic proofs and then follow that with narrations that have some weakness in their chains of narration, or from the view of proving the objective. There is nothing wrong in this because they mention these narrations as secondary, narrations to be reflected upon, but they depend entirely on authentic Hadeeth for proof. An example of this regarding singing and listening to it, where scholars first mention the authentic narrations and then mention narrations that are weak. Here are some examples of the weak narrations:
من استمع إلى صوت غناء لم يؤذن له أن يسمع الروحانيين
(قراء أهل الجنة)
2) Ibn 'Asakir relates from Anas, may Allaah be pleased with him, that the Prophet (sallAllaahu `alayhi wa sallam) said,
من استمع قينة صب في أذنيه الآنك يوم القيامة
الغناء ينبت النفاق في القلب كما ينبت الماء البقل
4) Al-Bayhaqi related from Jabir, may Allaah be pleased with him, that the Prophet (sallAllaahu `alayhi wa sallam) said,
الغناء ينبت النفاق في القلب كما ينبت الماء الزرع
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 7, Pages 188-189, DARUSSALAM
Sheikh Ahmed an Najmee declares Saddam Hussain a Muslim!
Friday, January 05, 2007
Praying the Tahiyyatul-Masjid whilst the adhaan for Jumu'ah is being called
Praying the Tahiyyatul-Masjid whilst the adhaan for Jumu'ah is being called
*Please appropriately reference this fatwa to:, thankyou!*
Question: Should he pray the Tahiyyatul-Masjid (2 rak'ah prayer) when he enters the masjid whilst the adhaan for Jumu'ah is being called?
Response: Yes. If a Muslim enters the masjid whilst the adhaan for Jumu'ah is being called, then he should pray the Tahiyyatul-Masjid and not wait until the mu.adhdhin has finished (calling the adhaan).
Shaykh 'Abdur-Razzaaq 'Afeefee
Fataawa wa Shaykh 'Abdur-Razzaaq 'Afeefee - Page 404, Fatwa No.7
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Saudi Prison Director Disputes Conflicting Human Rights Watch Statements
By Turki Al-Saheil
Riyadh, Asharq Al-Awsat- Members of the US Human Rights Watch delegation (HRW) that concluded its mission in Saudi Arabia last week made conflicting statements to the press regarding the way in which Saudi authorities dealt with the delegation during its visits to the country's prisons and detention centers.
Hassan al-Masri, a member of the delegation, said in remarks that were carried by the local media that Saudi authorities had allowed the delegation to visit Al-Ha'ir prison and speak with the detainees with complete freedom.
In contrast the Executive Director of the HRW Kenneth Roth claimed in a statement posted on the organization's website, that Saudi "authorities allowed the delegation members to visit only one wing of the prison and prevented them from making a second visit to it."
The inconsistency between the two statements made by the two HRW officials is evident. Al-Masri said that the delegation's visit to the prison lasted for five hours, during which they were able to tour all its sections and to speak with the prisoners in private and with total freedom, while their online statement that the Saudi authorities allowed the delegation to visit a small number of prisoners in one single wing, the one that was best maintained.
The Human Rights Watch delegation has ended its Three week visit to Saudi Arabia.
Commenting on the conflicting statements, Maj Gen Dr Ali al-Harithi, director of Saudi prisons, rejected the HRW's claims that the authorities refused to allow the delegation to visit the prisons and detention centers.
"Naturally we did not prevent them from carrying out their mission," Al-Harithi told Asharq al-Awsat. "The delegation visited Al-Ha'ir jail on its members' request. They were able to meet with the detainees in private. They also visited the solitary detention wing." He added.
Al-Harithi was also disappointed by the delegations refusal to provide his office with their assessment of the Al-Ha'ir jail. "We asked the delegation members to provide us with their impressions they got during their visit to this prison, but they declined."
Al-Harithi expressed astonishment that the human rights delegation refused to express its opinions openly. He said that he would have liked the persons in charge of the prison to learn from the human rights delegation's assessment in order to have a discussion between the two sides and learn of their observations.
The director of Saudi prisons explained that his office staff sought to make the Human Rights Watch delegation members feel that the task they were carrying out was a commendable humanitarian action. He remarked: "In this country we are closer to human rights than they are."
He added that his office has taken note of certain negative aspects in the country's prisons and corrected them, proceeding from the wish to provide a suitable environment for all prisoners.
[Extracted from:]